Iranian feature ‘Kupal’ directed by Kazem Mollaie won Best Fiction Feature award at the 3rd Arthouse Asia Film Festival in India. The 3rd edition of Arthouse Asia took place from 19th to 23ed January 2019 in India’s Kolkata, showcasing features, documentaries, animations and video arts from around the world. Eight films from Germany, Spain, Romania, Japan, […]
Iranian feature ‘Kupal’ directed by Kazem Mollaie won Best Fiction Feature award at the 3rd Arthouse Asia Film Festival in India.
The 3rd edition of Arthouse Asia took place from 19th to 23ed January 2019 in India’s Kolkata, showcasing features, documentaries, animations and video arts from around the world.
Eight films from Germany, Spain, Romania, Japan, USA, Bangladesh, Taiwan and Iran competed in the feature section, where Kazem Mollaie from Iran managed to scoop the main award of the section for his ‘Kupal’.
‘Kupal’ narrates the story of a hunter and taxidermist who goes through an unfortunate incident by trapping himself in his basement with little food and no water, having to survive by using creative and desperate means. The storyline of Kupal and the tagline is, ‘you can’t be alone in this world!’
The feature had previously won Best Cinematography award for Majid Gorgian at the 3rd Realtime International Film Festival (RTF) in Nigeria, and Best Feature Film Award at the 13th Huntington Beach’s Film Festival in US.
Arthouse Asia is dedicated to independent filmmakers. According to the event’s website, it is an effort to unite worldwide independent filmmakers in a single platform.