Iranian football legendries Ali Daei and Mehdi Mahdavikia attended the opening ceremony of 2019 AFC Asian Cup Saturday night. The 2019 Asian Cup got under way at Zayed Sports City in Abu Dhabi, the UAE. Among those in attendance were FIFA president Gianni Infantino and Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid, Crown Prince of Dubai. There were […]
Iranian football legendries Ali Daei and Mehdi Mahdavikia attended the opening ceremony of 2019 AFC Asian Cup Saturday night.
The 2019 Asian Cup got under way at Zayed Sports City in Abu Dhabi, the UAE.
Among those in attendance were FIFA president Gianni Infantino and Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid, Crown Prince of Dubai.
There were also plenty of UAE and Bahrain fans at Zayed Sports City for the Group A match between two teams.
The Emirates are hosting the continental showpiece for a second time, look to improve on their third-place finish in Australia four years ago.