The 37th Fajr Film Festival announced on Friday that 22 movies will be screened in the official competition. “The Main Idea” by Azita Mogui, “African Violets” by Mona Zandi-Haqiqi, “Polo Coat” by Mehdi Alimirzai, “Jamshidieh” by Yalda Jebeli and “Blade and Termeh” by Kiumars Purahmad are among the competing films. The lineup also includes “Tala” […]
The 37th Fajr Film Festival announced on Friday that 22 movies will be screened in the official competition.
“The Main Idea” by Azita Mogui, “African Violets” by Mona Zandi-Haqiqi, “Polo Coat” by Mehdi Alimirzai, “Jamshidieh” by Yalda Jebeli and “Blade and Termeh” by Kiumars Purahmad are among the competing films.
The lineup also includes “Tala” by Parviz Shahbazi, “Takhti” by Bahram Tavakkoli, “Oath” by Mohsen Tanabandeh, “A Man without Shadow” by Alireza Reisian and “Symphony No. 9” by Mohammadreza Honarmand.
The festival will also screen three animated films, “The Last Story” by Ashkan Rahgozar, “Benjamin” by Mohsen Enayati and “Sunny Night” by Seyyed Ali Madani, as well as seven short films.
The official lineup was announced at a press conference, during which veteran actor Jamshid Mashayekhi joined the president of the festival, Ebrahim Darughezadeh, to unveil the official poster of the event designed by Soheil Beidaqi.
The 37th Fajr Film Festival will take place in Tehran and several other Iranian cities from January 30 to February 11./mehrnews