Iranian short animated piece ‘Watch Me!’, directed by Reza Mehranfar, will be screened at the International Film Festival on Disability in France. ‘Watch Me!’ is the only movie from Iran to be screened in the international event which is themed on health-related issues. “A boy lives in a world of anxiety and fear; fear which is meaningless to […]
Iranian short animated piece ‘Watch Me!’, directed by Reza Mehranfar, will be screened at the International Film Festival on Disability in France.
‘Watch Me!’ is the only movie from Iran to be screened in the international event which is themed on health-related issues.
“A boy lives in a world of anxiety and fear; fear which is meaningless to others and is therefore ignored. Normal life goes on, but all he experiences is darkness and loneliness,” the plot summery to the movie reads.
According to the official website of the festival, “this third edition of International Film Festival on Disability (IFFD) will represent a new opportunity for anyone who’d still have prejudices, apprehensions or even fears toward disability to come and open up to this parallel universe… that we actually share.”
The festival will be launched on February 1-6, 2018 in Lyon, France.
The trailer of ‘Watch Me!’ is below: