The value of trades in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) has risen 73 percent during the past Iranian calendar month of Mehr (September 22-October 22) from its previous month, Tasnim news agency reported on Tuesday. Some 64.928 billion shares worth 310.327 trillion rials (about $7.388 billion) were traded through 5.250 million deals during the past month. […]
The value of trades in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) has risen 73 percent during the past Iranian calendar month of Mehr (September 22-October 22) from its previous month, Tasnim news agency reported on Tuesday.
Some 64.928 billion shares worth 310.327 trillion rials (about $7.388 billion) were traded through 5.250 million deals during the past month.
Number of deals in Mehr shows 43 percent rise as well.
TEDPIX, the main index of TSE, also gained 27,241 points, or 17 percent, during the past month.