Iranian short animated piece ‘The Fox’ directed by Sadegh Javadi has been accepted into the competition program of 42nd Cinanima International Animated Film Festival in Portugal. The short Iranian animated piece, which recently won best short film award at the 14th World Animation Film Festival in Bulgaria, has been accepted into the competition section of the 42nd Cinanima […]
Iranian short animated piece ‘The Fox’ directed by Sadegh Javadi has been accepted into the competition program of 42nd Cinanima International Animated Film Festival in Portugal.
The short Iranian animated piece, which recently won best short film award at the 14th World Animation Film Festival in Bulgaria, has been accepted into the competition section of
the 42nd Cinanima International Animated Film Festival.
The festival is scheduled for 12-18 November in Espinho, Portugal.
‘The Fox’ is about a young and lively fox that is caught by a hunter when experiencing its first love. The hunter puts a bell around the fox’s neck and returns it to the woods. The bell prevents the fox from hunting and living its normal life in the woods and it soon realizes that its only way to survive is to be tamed and go back to the hunter.
Established in 1976, Cinanima is a non-profit animation film festival approved by ASIFA – Association International du Film d’Animation.
According to the event’s website, all the winners of the festival are placed automatically on a list of films, from which the nominees for the “Golden Cartoon”, organised by CARTOON – European Association of Animated Film – will be selected. Furthermore, Cinanima’s Grand Prize winner is placed on the shortlist for the Oscar for the Best Animation Short nominations.