Iranian animated short ‘Nobody’ by Elham Toroghi has been accepted into the competition program of the 27th St. Louis International Film Festival in the US. The 9-minute animation which features no dialogue, is the story of a white cat who lives in a city of black dwellers. The cat makes many attempts to get food […]
Iranian animated short ‘Nobody’ by Elham Toroghi has been accepted into the competition program of the 27th St. Louis International Film Festival in the US.
The 9-minute animation which features no dialogue, is the story of a white cat who lives in a city of black dwellers. The cat makes many attempts to get food but none of the residents pay any attention to him. The cat is also bullied by other cats who are also black like the residents. Until one day the cat meets a small white bird and decides to live with the bird.
The animated piece had received a Golden Butterfly nomination for Best Short and Semi-Feature Animated Film Screenplay at the International Film Festival for Children and Youth Awards in Iran. It was also picked as semifinalist at the 2nd Indie Best Films Festival (Ibestff) in US, and received an honorable mention in students’ category of Florida Animation Festival.
Short film ‘Umbra’ directed by Saeid Jafarian is another Iranian title taking part in the American festival, scheduled for November 1 – 11, in Missouri, United States.
SLIFF is an Academy-sanctioned qualifying festival for both narrative and documentary short subjects.