Iranian documentary ‘The Rock’ directed by Hamid Jafari has been accepted into the screening program of two international film festivals in Russia and Armenia. The short documentary ‘The Rock’ directed by Hamid Jafari will take part at the 4th Apricot Tree Ujan International Film Festival in Armenia, followed by another international screening at the 17th Baikal […]
Iranian documentary ‘The Rock’ directed by Hamid Jafari has been accepted into the screening program of two international film festivals in Russia and Armenia.
The short documentary ‘The Rock’ directed by Hamid Jafari will take part at the 4th Apricot Tree Ujan International Film Festival in Armenia, followed by another international screening at the 17th Baikal International Film Festival ‘People and Environment’ in Russia.
The 25-minute documentary features a woman in southern Iranian city of Ramhormoz who makes a living out of breaking up rocks.
Jafari’s film was awarded the Best Short Film at the Cinéma Vérité Festival in Tehran, and received award for the best short documentary at the 28th New Orleans Film Festival.
Apricot Tree Ujan International Film Festival, scheduled for 15-21 September in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan and the village of Ujan, is a “celebration of anthropological and ethnographic documentary films that depict the heartbeats of diverse ethnic groups and communities.”
The 17th Baikal International Film Festival ‘People and Environment’ will take place on 21-25 September in Irkutsk in eastern Siberia, Russia. Iran had submitted 27 titles to the festival.