“October 13, 1937”, a documentary on Iranian-Armenian maestro Loris Tjeknavorian, has been released by Hashure, an Iranian video streaming website for documentary films. The website premiered “October 13, 1937” directed by Baktash Abtin at the Film Museum of Iran on Saturday. “When I was told they were going to make a film about me I […]
“October 13, 1937”, a documentary on Iranian-Armenian maestro Loris Tjeknavorian, has been released by Hashure, an Iranian video streaming website for documentary films.
The website premiered “October 13, 1937” directed by Baktash Abtin at the Film Museum of Iran on Saturday.
“When I was told they were going to make a film about me I was afraid, since we are all making changes every day,” Tjeknavorian said in a brief speech made after the premiere of the documentary.
“I never thought about the replies to the questions in this film and gave the responses immediately. I am still a child and I never want to leave this childhood of mine because that world would have no pleasure for me,” he noted.
He said that “October 13, 1937” is about a mad person and added, “I have always said that the mad people make the world and the wise ruin it.”
Director Abtin also said that the documentary tries to portray the maestro as he is, kind and sincere.
“I really enjoyed working with him since he is a musician who has no difference with his inner side,” Abtin said.
The documentary will be available online until September 14.