Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said that the administration is after boosting foreign trade as a measure to curb US sanctions. He made the remarks on the sideline of his visit to Serow border terminal in Northwestern West Azarbaijan province. The administration’s economic policy to face anti-Iranian US sanctions is to expand trades with […]
Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said that the administration is after boosting foreign trade as a measure to curb US sanctions.
He made the remarks on the sideline of his visit to Serow border terminal in Northwestern West Azarbaijan province.
The administration’s economic policy to face anti-Iranian US sanctions is to expand trades with foreign countries, he told IRNA on Thursday.
He went on to say that the border provinces have a significant role in this regard and the administration focuses on further development of these regions.
Elsewhere he said that the issues regarding Iranian border regions are being closely studied, adding that there is no limitation to grant loans to projects which aim to develop these areas.