Iranian short animation ‘Bystander’ directed by Sheyda Kashi has been accepted into the screening program of 3rd Slemani International Film Festival in Iraqi Kurdistan region. ‘Bystander’ is about an old man who is living behind a window from where he sees a dark world and remembers his past when he had participated in a revolution. The […]
Iranian short animation ‘Bystander’ directed by Sheyda Kashi has been accepted into the screening program of 3rd Slemani International Film Festival in Iraqi Kurdistan region.
‘Bystander’ is about an old man who is living behind a window from where he sees a dark world and remembers his past when he had participated in a revolution.
The 8-minute animation had recently won Best Animation award at the 2018 International Youth Film Festival “Light of the World” in Russia, as well as the Best Short Animation award in the 2018 Picture this…film festival in Canada.
Iranian feature ‘Golnesa’ by Sattar Chamani Gol is also taking part in the Feature Film Official Selection of the festival. ‘Alphabet’ by Kianoush Abedi will be screened at the animation section of the event, alongside ‘Bystander’.
The third edition of Slemani International Film Festival will be held on October 10-16 in Iraqi Kurdistan region