The 3D animated Iranian film ‘The Secret of Butterflies’ directed and produced by Ali Tanhaee will take part in the 15th Salento International Film Festival in Tricase, Italy. The 80-minute adventure/comedy animation narrates the story of an insect named ‘Brownie’ who embarks on a risky and adventurous journey to become a butterfly. The animated film had […]
The 3D animated Iranian film ‘The Secret of Butterflies’ directed and produced by Ali Tanhaee will take part in the 15th Salento International Film Festival in Tricase, Italy.
The 80-minute adventure/comedy animation narrates the story of an insect named ‘Brownie’ who embarks on a risky and adventurous journey to become a butterfly.
The animated film had won two nominations for Best Film and Best Director awards at the 31st edition of International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Iranian city of Isfahan.
The 15th edition of Salento International Film Festival, aimed at promoting international independent films as the most powerful form of cultural communication and link between cultures and peoples, will be held on 1-10 September 2018 in the historical Italian city of Tricase.