Iranian animated film ‘Kelileh & Demneh’, directed by Alireza Tavakkoli, will take part at children film competition section of the 13th ‘In the Family’ Film Festival in Yaroslavl, Russia. Directed by Alireza Tavakoli and produced by Zahra Hashemi, ‘Kalila and Dimna’ will vie with other titles at the children’s movie contest of the 13th ‘In the Family’ […]
Iranian animated film ‘Kelileh & Demneh’, directed by Alireza Tavakkoli, will take part at children film competition section of the 13th ‘In the Family’ Film Festival in Yaroslavl, Russia.
Directed by Alireza Tavakoli and produced by Zahra Hashemi, ‘Kalila and Dimna’ will vie with other titles at the children’s movie contest of the 13th ‘In the Family’ (В кругу семьи) Film Festival in Russia.
The Iranian animation previously won Special Jury Award at the Children’s Fest section of 2017 Eurasia International Film Festival in Kazakhstan.
Kelileh and Demneh are two young jackals. The drama starts in the middle of a rainy night when the horrified owl pays a visit to the king of the jungle to report about the excessive hunting he had witnessed.
The 13th ‘In the Family’ (В кругу семьи) International Film Festival will be held on 8-14 July in the Russian city of Yaroslavl.