Iranian short animated piece ‘Blows with the Wind’ directed by Hazhir As’adi has won the top 2nd Short Animation Award at the 1st International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur in India. The top 2nd Short Animation Award at the first edition of the International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur went to ‘Blows with the Wind’ – […]
Iranian short animated piece ‘Blows with the Wind’ directed by Hazhir As’adi has won the top 2nd Short Animation Award at the 1st International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur in India.
The top 2nd Short Animation Award at the first edition of the International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur went to ‘Blows with the Wind’ – a short animated piece written and directed by Hazhir As’adi.
‘Blows with the Wind’ is about a scarecrow that becomes human to escape from a series of some unpleasant events. On his way, he sees two other scarecrows whose conditions are worse than him. Now faced with a dilemma, he has to make a very difficult decision.
The ICFF celebrates children’s cinema by organizing live screenings, writing contests, music contests, and photography contests.
Organized by Jaipur International Film Festival Trust, the first edition of the event was held on 25-27 July, 2018, in Jaipur, India.