Iranian short animated piece ‘Mr. Deer’ directed by Mojtaba Mousavi has won the Special Animation award at the 28th Animafest Zagreb in Croatia. Directed by Mojtaba Mousavi and produced by Elaheh Farnia, ‘Mr. Deer’ is a 20-minute stop motion animation which utilizes the puppet technique to narrate a story set in an unknown time, in […]
Iranian short animated piece ‘Mr. Deer’ directed by Mojtaba Mousavi has won the Special Animation award at the 28th Animafest Zagreb in Croatia.
Directed by Mojtaba Mousavi and produced by Elaheh Farnia, ‘Mr. Deer’ is a 20-minute stop motion animation which utilizes the puppet technique to narrate a story set in an unknown time, in a ruined subway station which is similar to those in modern European societies. People in this society have animal faces and have forgotten humanity. The World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb, established in 1972, is the second oldest film festival in the world completely dedicated to animation.
The 28th edition of the festival was held from 4 to 9 June 2018 at different locations across Croatian capital city Zagreb.
‘Mr. Deer’ is also taking part in the competition section of 42nd Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France, scheduled for 11-16 June.