Ahmad Zayeri’s film, which tells the story of a Syrian child, will compete in the 16th annual Garden State film festival in New Jersey, United States. The ‘Saad’s Olive Tree’ film is directed by Iranian director Ahmad Zayeri and tells the story of a Syrian girl who has lost his sight in an explosion when […]
Ahmad Zayeri’s film, which tells the story of a Syrian child, will compete in the 16th annual Garden State film festival in New Jersey, United States.
The ‘Saad’s Olive Tree’ film is directed by Iranian director Ahmad Zayeri and tells the story of a Syrian girl who has lost his sight in an explosion when he was playing.
The Iranian director’s film has so far won awards in different international competitions including the Best Short Film Award in 2017 Eearl’s Court Film Festival in London, UK and the best screenplay of the 14th edition of the Kinofilm Festival in Manchester, UK.
Founded in 2002, the Garden State Film Festival is a film festival in the United States held in Asbury Park, New Jersey which showcases over 150 independent films annually over four days each spring.
The 16th edition of the festival will start on March 22 and will last until March 25, 2018.