Iranian short animation ‘Bystander’ directed by Sheyda Kashi has been accepted into the main competition section of the 1st Oregon Cinema Arts Film Festival in US. ‘Bystander’ is about an old man who is living behind a window from where he sees a dark world and remembers his past when he was an active revolutionary. […]
Iranian short animation ‘Bystander’ directed by Sheyda Kashi has been accepted into the main competition section of the 1st Oregon Cinema Arts Film Festival in US.
‘Bystander’ is about an old man who is living behind a window from where he sees a dark world and remembers his past when he was an active revolutionary.
The 8-minute animation had previously received two awards for the best animated short films at the 3rd Cinemaway Film Festival in Ukraine and Sobytie Film Festival in Russia. It also grabbed the Best Short Animation award in the 2018 Picture this…film festival in Canada.
The 1st edition of Oregon Cinema Arts Film Festival will be held in Portland, US, on August 14, 2018.