TEHRAN – A memory once recounted by the world-renowned Iranian director Asghar Farhadi has inspired his fellow filmmaker Rezvan Khorsandi in the United States to direct a short movie titled “Buy Me a Poem”. The memory is about a Farhadi’s American friend who was amazed after watching a scene from an Iranian film depicting a […]
TEHRAN – A memory once recounted by the world-renowned Iranian director Asghar Farhadi has inspired his fellow filmmaker Rezvan Khorsandi in the United States to direct a short movie titled “Buy Me a Poem”.
The memory is about a Farhadi’s American friend who was amazed after watching a scene from an Iranian film depicting a girl who was selling poems on a Tehran street, Khorsandi said in an announcement sent to the Tehran Times on Thursday.
“Buy Me a Poem” is based on a true story about Ali Fayyazi, a Ph.D. student at Clemson University where Khorsandi studies graphic communications.
The film highlights the difficulties that this Iranian student with his American fiancée is experiencing because of President Donald Trump’s travel ban, Khorsandi said.
By her film, Khorsandi said that she intends to show that “not only are Iranians not terrorists but also their millennia culture is filled with goodwill and benevolence.”
She also added, “I hope that I could have shown a small piece of the reality of Iranians’ peaceful culture with this short movie.”
Trump signed an executive order last year suspending refugee arrivals and banning entry to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iran and Syria.