Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi rejected the US administration’s first national security strategy as “unbalanced” and “one-sided”. In a statement on Tuesday, Qassemi said the document published by the Trump administration is full of futile efforts by its fabricators to introduce Iran as a threat, which is totally rejected and condemned. He stressed that […]
Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi rejected the US administration’s first national security strategy as “unbalanced” and “one-sided”.
In a statement on Tuesday, Qassemi said the document published by the Trump administration is full of futile efforts by its fabricators to introduce Iran as a threat, which is totally rejected and condemned.
He stressed that the contents of the unconventional text lack any rationale and realism, and are nothing but a repetition of the same allegations, unfounded accusations, and baseless illusions by Washington and a few regional states.
“The unwise content of this unbalanced and one-sided strategy clearly shows that the US government is trying to play the blame game in face of the challenges, dysfunctions and self-created problems it has always been dealing with in the domestic and international arena,” he noted, adding that such problems have become more and more visible over the past year.
The threats that the US assumes to be facing mostly emanate from wrong policies, behaviors and practices of its politicians and statesmen over the past decade towards other nations of the world, especially their numerous mistakes in the sensitive and strategic West Asian region and the Persian Gulf, he went on to say.
“It seems that US statesmen still do not have the will to review their policies and behaviors, especially their view about the world and other nations. That is why they cannot tolerate the independent policies and approaches of some countries like Iran, and see them as contrary to their national interests and security.”
“By insisting on obsolete and repetitive approaches, they are trying to keep the world at a standstill by causing problems that mostly arise from the policies of various US administrations,” he added.
The Iranian spokesman underlined that the new US national security strategy is a reckless one which will undoubtedly lead the world towards more insecurity, increase instability and expand terrorism.
Qassemi further noted that the international community’s inattention to the adventurism of the US president has allowed Donald Trump to develop his policies and future outlook based on fabricated and unrealistic threats.
Such policies, he added, will definitely have no achievement but further defeats for the US in the international arena and its areas of interest.
The US president on Monday released his first much anticipated national security strategy, a document that lays out a framework for his administration’s approach to threats facing the nation and reflects his “America First” campaign promise.
He repeated his allegations against Iran and North Korea, claiming that they are “determined to destabilize regions, threaten Americans and our allies, and brutalize their own people.”