The 8th Tehran auction is slated for January 12 but the venue has not been announced.“The auction will offer works created by contemporary Iranian artists,” ISNA quoted Ali Reza Sami-Azar, former director of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and current head of Tehran Auction house as saying.“The last edition of the auction presented both modern […]
The 8th Tehran auction is slated for January 12 but the venue has not been announced.
“The auction will offer works created by contemporary Iranian artists,” ISNA quoted Ali Reza Sami-Azar, former director of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art and current head of Tehran Auction house as saying.
“The last edition of the auction presented both modern and classical works,” Sami-Azar added.
The auction was launched in 2012 as an independent and private initiative to introduce the best in Iranian art ranging from established and emerging Iranian artists to art collectors and the global audience.
It is an endeavor to address the increasing interest in modern and contemporary Iranian art and help facilitate the acquisition of quality works in reliable ways.
The event also aims to support the domestic art market as a key to the international market. The auction closely collaborates with local art galleries and collectors to ensure a vast selection of paintings, sculptures and photographs.