Iran’s President: Lebanon to Weather New Sedition
Iran’s President: Lebanon to Weather New Sedition

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani voiced support for stability and peace in Lebanon, expressing confidence that the wise Lebanese nation will not allow a new seditious plot to give foothold to foreign rivals or the terrorists. In a telephone conversation with his Lebanese counterpart Michel Aoun on Tuesday evening, President Rouhani said Iran is […]

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani voiced support for stability and peace in Lebanon, expressing confidence that the wise Lebanese nation will not allow a new seditious plot to give foothold to foreign rivals or the terrorists.

In a telephone conversation with his Lebanese counterpart Michel Aoun on Tuesday evening, President Rouhani said Iran is in favor of maintenance of peace and stability in the regional countries, including Lebanon.

Highlighting Lebanon’s success to overcome big troubles in the past with unity among various political, ethnic and religious groups, President Rouhani said the “great Lebanese nation” would once again deal with the seditious plots and not allow their country to become a scene for rivalry between the foreign powers.

He also underlined that the Lebanese president’s prudence as well as the nation and Army’s awareness will safeguard stability in that country.

Aoun, for his part, underlined that calm prevails in Lebanon despite some “weak voices” seeking to foment sedition.

Pointing to Saad Hariri’s snap resignation from the post of prime minister, the Lebanese president said the nation lives in peace and stability despite the current difficult situation.

In an announcement from Saudi Arabia’s Riyadh on November 4, Hariri announced his resignation, accusing Iran of meddling in the Arab countries and citing fears of an assassination threat.

Many fear Hariri’s resignation could sow a political crisis in the country, which in October 2016 elected a president after a more than two-year hiatus.