Iranian short animated piece ‘Bystander’, directed by Sheyda Kashi, will be screened at the 2017 edition of Madurai Film Festival in India. The 19th Madurai International Documentary and Short Film Festival 2017 has put the Iranian short film of the list of selected films. Hosting a total of 50 films, the international event will kick […]
Iranian short animated piece ‘Bystander’, directed by Sheyda Kashi, will be screened at the 2017 edition of Madurai Film Festival in India.
The 19th Madurai International Documentary and Short Film Festival 2017 has put the Iranian short film of the list of selected films.
Hosting a total of 50 films, the international event will kick off on December 06 in the Indian city of Madurai and will run through December 10.
Previously, the 8:23 long animation had been accepted in the competition section of Tirana International Film Festival in Albania. It was also screened at the Ninth Iran Independent Animation Celebration and the 4th Tehran Animation Festival.