Borrowed Exhibits  in Fars, Semnan
Borrowed Exhibits  in Fars, Semnan

National Museum of Iran and Malek National Library Museum, among the largest museums in Tehran, have lent some of their items to exhibits held in other venues in Tehran and across the country.The event is part of the programs organized by the museums to mark their 80th anniversary, Mehr News Agency reported.Water Gallery Museum in […]

National Museum of Iran and Malek National Library Museum, among the largest museums in Tehran, have lent some of their items to exhibits held in other venues in Tehran and across the country.
The event is part of the programs organized by the museums to mark their 80th anniversary, Mehr News Agency reported.
Water Gallery Museum in the city of Shiraz, capital of Fars Province; Anthropology Museum of Garmsar in Semnan Province; Golestan Cultural Center and Beheshti Subway Station in Tehran are currently holding exhibitions of the historical relics borrowed from the two museums.
The relics date back from prehistoric times to the Qajar era (1785-1925). They include lacquer works, miniatures, illuminated pages, calligraphies, paintings, textile, metal works and manuscripts.
Also on display are photographs of iconic works treasured by the National Museum, such as the Golden Cup of Marlik from the ancient site near Rudbar in Gilan Province; the Golden Cup of Hasanlu, excavated in Tepe Hasanlu near Naqadeh in northwest Iran; the earthen Cup of Shush, found in the ancient city of Shush in Khuzestan Province; the Statue of Parthian Nobleman, one of the main surviving works of Parthian era (247 BC-224 AD) found near the city of Izeh in southwest Iran; and column capitals from the Achaemenid era (550-330 BC).
The four exhibitions will continue until the end of winter.