Reaping repetitive accusations against Iran, Nikki Haley urged the UN Security Council on Wednesday to adopt the Trump administration’s comprehensive approach to Iran. US Ambassador Nikki Haley urged the UN Security Council on Wednesday to adopt the Trump administration’s comprehensive approach to Iran and address all aspects of its what she called “destructive conduct” — […]
Reaping repetitive accusations against Iran, Nikki Haley urged the UN Security Council on Wednesday to adopt the Trump administration’s comprehensive approach to Iran.
US Ambassador Nikki Haley urged the UN Security Council on Wednesday to adopt the Trump administration’s comprehensive approach to Iran and address all aspects of its what she called “destructive conduct” — not just the 2015 nuclear deal.
She told the council that Iran “has repeatedly thumbed its nose” at council resolutions.
“Worse, the regime continues to play this council,” Haley claimed. “Iran hides behind its assertion of technical compliance with the nuclear deal while it brazenly violates the other limits of its behavior, and we have allowed them to get away with it.”
“This must stop,” she said.
She called Iran’s “most threatening act its repeated ballistic missile launches including the launch this summer of an ICBM enabling missile.”
“This should be a clarion call to everyone in the United Nations,” Haley said.
Haley said the Security Council has the opportunity to change its policy toward Iran.
“I sincerely hope it will take this chance to defend not only the resolutions but peace, security and human rights in Iran,” she said.
“Judging Iran by the narrow confines of the nuclear deal misses the true nature of the threat,” Haley stressed. “Iran must be judged in totality of its aggressive, destabilizing and unlawful behavior. To do otherwise would be foolish.”
The US accuses Iran of supporting terrorism, While Washington along with some of its regional allies themselves are supporting ISIL and other terrorist groups in the region to materialize its geopolitical dreams.