Directed by Asghar Abdollahi, the movie ‘One Canary, One Crew’ is currently on the screen at several cinemas across the country.The film which casts Hengameh Qaziani and Habib Rezaei in the lead roles centers on a man who accidently fires a pistol and hits his wife’s eye.The unintentional and tragic incident brings along a long […]
Directed by Asghar Abdollahi, the movie ‘One Canary, One Crew’ is currently on the screen at several cinemas across the country.
The film which casts Hengameh Qaziani and Habib Rezaei in the lead roles centers on a man who accidently fires a pistol and hits his wife’s eye.
The unintentional and tragic incident brings along a long stifling period of silence to their marriage. The man’s relatives warn him that if his wife is still living with him, it is because she is awaiting an opportunity for revenge.
Kourosh and Charsou Cineplexes as well as Iranian Artists Forum, Cinema Museum and Farhang Cinema are showing the film in Tehran.