Selected cinemas in Tehran are showing ‘Leaf of Life’, a feature film directed and produced by Ebrahim Mokhtari.Saeed Pour-Samimi, Mahdi Ahmadi, Maryam Moqadam, Sajad Tabesh and Sahar Salahshour are in the cast of the film based on a story in a saffron farm, reported.“When making a documentary about farming saffron in 1990, I faced […]
Selected cinemas in Tehran are showing ‘Leaf of Life’, a feature film directed and produced by Ebrahim Mokhtari.
Saeed Pour-Samimi, Mahdi Ahmadi, Maryam Moqadam, Sajad Tabesh and Sahar Salahshour are in the cast of the film based on a story in a saffron farm, reported.
“When making a documentary about farming saffron in 1990, I faced many challenges and obstacles, posed by the farmers, for setting and shooting the scenes,” Mokhtari said. “Despite all the troubles we managed to finish the film. However, I learned that the reason for all the struggles lay behind the difference between my worldview and theirs. This issue was so critical for me that I always had it in the back of my mind until I wrote the screenplay of ‘Leaf of life’.”