The short animation ‘Entracte’, directed by Iranian graphic artist Mohamadreza Kheradmanadan has won the award for Better Experimental Short Movie at the first edition of NAZRA Palestine Short Film Festival.Held for three weeks at different venues in Palestinian cities of Gaza, Beit-ul-Moqaddas and Ramallah plus in the Italian cities Venice, Florence, Bologna, Rome and Naples, […]
The short animation ‘Entracte’, directed by Iranian graphic artist Mohamadreza Kheradmanadan has won the award for Better Experimental Short Movie at the first edition of NAZRA Palestine Short Film Festival.
Held for three weeks at different venues in Palestinian cities of Gaza, Beit-ul-Moqaddas and Ramallah plus in the Italian cities Venice, Florence, Bologna, Rome and Naples, the festival will continue until October 21.
It aims to show the difficulties and expectations of Palestinians who live under the brutal Israeli occupation, with no freedom and no respect for human rights, through the eyes of those who have experienced humiliation first hand, or authors from other parts of the world.
The festival slogan is ‘Cinema and Art Beyond the Walls’ and it also wants to create an educational and cultural path by organizing workshops in cultural centers in Italy and Palestine.
The 7-minute animation ‘Entracte’, made in 2016, tells the story of an Israeli sniper who published a post on his Instagram page claiming to kill 13 Palestinian children in one day during the 2014 Gaza War, Fars News Agency reported.
Title of the film is derived from the French word “entr’act”, meaning an interval between two acts of a play, opera or film. Likewise, the story of the animation is told in a period of silence between two music tracks.
Kheradmandan, 33, began creating artworks from an early age and during adolescence won many awards in the field of visual arts. He studied directing at the Iran Broadcasting University.
So far he has received 30 national and international awards at festivals including the Tehran International Short Film Festival and 9th 100-Second International Film Festival both in 2013.